Grab-A-Bowl Two-Piece Bowl/Lid Combo from Genpak

Grab-A-Bowl is Genpak’s answer to convenient, versatile packaging for on and off-premises dining. With easy-to-grip tabs, Grab-A-Bowl containers are stackable, easy to transport, and refrigerator-friendly for meal prep applications.

The modern two-piece line of bowls and lids is microwavable, reusable, dishwasher-safe, and leak-resistant. Crafted for performance reliability, the clear polypropylene lids help to ensure meal presentation and improve order accuracy by enhancing visibility. Integrated pinhole venting aids in preventing sogginess, maintaining the freshness and quality of operator dishes. Suitable for hot and cold sides, soups, and entrees.

Learn how your restaurant or foodservice operation can benefit from our new Grab-A-Bowl container product line. Contact us today.

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